

Voltage Rating Uo/U

3.6/6kV | 26/35kV

Ambient Temperature

Fixed: -40°C to +105°C

Flexed: -25°C to +105°C

Minimum Bending Radius

Fixed: 12 x overall diameter

Flexed: 15 x overall diameter


UL 1072, IEEE 1202, ASTM B-8, AEIC CS8, ICEA S-97-682, ICEA S-93-639

IEC 60502 VDE 0250 Part 605, VDE 0295, EN 60228 

Flame Retardant according to IEC/EN 60332-1-2



Class B compressed annealed uncoated copper

Conductor shield

Extruded layer of semiconducting compound applied under

simultaneous triple extrusion process


Extruded layer of 105°C rated Ethylene Propylene Rubber


Insulation shield

Extruded layer of semiconducting compound applied by

triple extrusion process

Metallic shield

5 mil bare copper tape applied helically with a 25% overlap.


Extruded layer of black sunlight resistant Polyvinyl Chloride


Single core MV - 105 IEC 60502-2(CU/EPR/CTS/PVC)
Three core 8.7/15kV MV-105 cable standard IEC 60502-2(CU/EPR/CTS/PVC)
Single core MV - 105 ICEA S-93-639(CU/EPR/CTS/PVC)
Single core 8.7/15kV MV-105 cable standard IEC 60502-2(CU/EPR/CTS/PVC)
NO./mm2Min Conductor NO.Insulation thickness (mm)Cu tape thickness (mm)Diameter of cable(mm)CU weight
of cable
DC Resistance
1*254.5 0.12 22.26 225.58 787.21 0.727 
1*354.5 0.12 22.82 315.82 898.89 0.524 
1*5019 4.5 0.12 24.19 451.17 1085.91 0.387 
1*7019 4.5 0.12 25.91 631.63 1336.08 0.268 
1*9519 4.5 0.12 27.54 857.22 1623.97 0.193 
1*12019 4.5 0.12 29.16 1082.80 1917.50 0.153 
1*15037 4.5 0.12 30.73 1353.50 2249.08 0.124 
1*18537 4.5 0.12 32.53 1669.32 2641.94 0.099 
1*24061 4.5 0.12 34.99 2165.60 3242.99 0.075 
1*30061 4.5 0.12 37.35 2707.01 3887.54 0.060 
1*40061 4.5 0.12 40.72 3609.34 4936.02 0.047 
1*50061 4.5 0.12 43.72 4511.68 5972.02 0.037 
1*63061 4.5 0.12 47.16 5684.71 7300.01 0.028 
Three core 8.7/15kV MV-105 cable standard IEC 60502-2(CU/EPR/CTS/PVC)
NO./mm2Min Conductor NO.Insulation thickness (mm)Cu tape thickness (mm)Diameter of cable(mm)CU weight
of cable
DC Resistance
3*254.5 0.10 45.49 676.75 2560.64 0.727 
3*354.5 0.10 46.91 947.45 2931.20 0.524 
3*5019 4.5 0.10 50.06 1353.50 3551.93 0.387 
3*7019 4.5 0.10 53.55 1894.90 4336.78 0.268 
3*9519 4.5 0.10 57.27 2571.65 5278.09 0.193 
3*12019 4.5 0.10 60.54 3248.41 6195.52 0.153 
3*15037 4.5 0.10 64.13 4060.51 7276.74 0.124 
3*18537 4.5 0.10 67.98 5007.96 8536.06 0.099 
3*24061 4.5 0.10 73.06 6496.81 10420.82 0.075 
3*30061 4.5 0.10 78.14 8121.02 12472.74 0.060 
3*40061 4.5 0.10 85.38 10828.02 15797.49 0.047 
3*50061 4.5 0.10 91.82 13535.03 19080.98 0.037 
3*63061 4.5 0.10 99.42 17054.13 23327.94 0.028 
Single core 15kV 100% MV-105 cable standard ICEA S-93-639(CU/EPR/CTS/PVC)
NO./kcmilMin Conductor NO.Insulation thickness (mm)Cu tape thickness (mm)Diameter of cable(mm)CU weight
of cable
DC Resistance
1*274.45 0.127 21.72 302.66 836.31 0.531 
1*1/0194.45 0.127 23.58 480.99 1081.99 0.335 
1*2/0194.45 0.127 24.67 610.90 1251.52 0.266 
1*3/0194.45 0.127 25.86 769.14 1452.68 0.211 
1*4/0194.45 0.127 27.18 967.12 1698.53 0.167 
1*250374.45 0.127 28.29 1145.39 1917.40 0.141 
1*350374.45 0.127 30.71 1599.76 2459.58 0.101 
1*500374.45 0.127 33.77 2281.94 3252.68 0.071 
1*750614.45 0.127 38.08 3437.85 4564.74 0.047 
1*1000614.45 0.127 41.60 4566.20 5820.85 0.035